2023 – 2024
Case Study
Cafe On The Grove
Divine Design & Marketing was given the opportunity to assist in launching the newly opened restaurant located locally in Rolling Meadows, IL. We were tasked with creating the face of the company and creating a digital identity for them to start their dream of launching a mom and daughter business. With our graphic design and website services, the team behind the creation of this project met with the owners to understand the underlying challenges and craft an overall theme and aesthetic of the restaurant.
The Challenge
The owners, Sue and Dena reached out to us because they were struggling on what their first steps should be in order to get their business up and running. It started with creating an appealing menu for their visitors. With our printing services, we created large-scaled, laminated menus with chosen colors and fonts provided by our graphic design team. After assisting in those initial steps, we then started creating their digital footprint through social media and a new website. Their presence went from unknown to infamous in Rolling Meadows.
Color Palette and Fonts
We carefully formed a decision when choosing these colors and fonts. We wanted to reflect both the brand’s personality and the dining experience that it aimed to provide. The colors not only represent a comfort and family, but it also represents the production behind the company. The subtle green refers to the 100% locally manufactured ingredients along with the vegan and organic options that are available. The tan and gray colors are offsets of the primary colors that represent an uplifting tone, curating a positive feeling towards the brand. The typography selected (Playlist) offers not only an elegant look, but it represents how the style of the website and menu are in tandem with the food and drinks the restaurant serves.
Spring Rain
Oslo Gray
Dramatic increase in organic traffic to the website.

Number of users coming to Cafe On The Grove based on city.